Products and Services



  Sitemarvel IT Services :: Knowledge Manangement

  Knowledge Manangement

Technology Infrastructure

Frequently we see organisations embarking on information infrastructure projects only to abandon them two or three years down the track. Unfortunately, too often this change of heart occurs not before a substantial loss of investment in financial and human resources. Let alone organisation morale.

Objective Vision - Pragmatic Approach

Sitemarvel expert team of consultants working hand in hand with your staff will deliver a knowledge infrastructure stragegy that has a clear purpose powered by the commitment and ownership of those who would be ulitimately affected by the outcome. Visionary objective is approached with pragmatic solutions to achieve immediate goals.

Scope of Service

  • Hardware and software platforms and procurement startegies
  • Communication and networking solutions
  • Distributed processing and clustering
  • System integration
  • Risk analysis and security solutions
  • Web integration
  • Maintenance